Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Experiment

I'm starting to love writing, so I'm going to start up another blog just so I have more than one topic to write about! My other blog is Just Point and Shoot, a photography website. Go check it out, it's still young at this point but some feedback is always appreciated.

This blog is all about my attempts at earning a passive income. This seems to be a pretty popular topic today, with the economy still pretty ugly and people as lazy as ever, money from nothing sounds like a good deal. Of course, most of us know that it's not that easy, but is is doable if you work hard and get some momentum going.

So far I've earned a solid $40 with internet related endevores, hopefully I can increase this by about 5000000% soon, that would be nice wouldn't it? I'd even settle for 4999999%, a modest goal.

Since I began my blogging ventures I've learned a lot (though still nothing compared to what I could know) and I want to share that with you. This is a pretty saturated market already, but one more blog won't hurt. I might even get a reader one day!

Thanks for reading and tune in later to see more about my passive income experiments.